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Who. Zee Clark

Location. Boston
Age. 28
Side Gig. Barefoot artist with a backpack

 Life happens outside your comfort zone. Get inspired. 

-Glacier hiking in New Zealand
-First sunrise off 
Cadillac, Acadia National Park
-Scuba diving in Fiji
-Biking 1,000 miles for
multiple sclerosis (MS) 
-Rock climbing in Scotland 
-Really good coffee in Portland
-Cliff jumping at 
Rick's Cafe, Jamaica
-Sailing off Key West
-Snorkeling above The Great Barrier Reef 
Running from forest fires in Yosemite
-Planting trees in Tasmania
-Swimming in Crater Lake

-Fish and Chips in London

-Missed a flight in Prague

-Woke up on a beach in Byron Bay

-Amazing Sushi in San Francisco

-Water Slides in Alpamare, Switzerland

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